EOS Remediation has been developing products based on the latest scientific discoveries in groundwater remediation since we developed the technology of using emulsified vegetable oils (EVO) for Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination (ERD) for the research arm of the US Department of Defense over 20 years ago.
Recent research has shown that adding increased fixed nitrogen and vitamin B12 accelerates ERD rates and minimizes daughter product accumulation. Based on this research, and our proven EOS technology, we developed a new product, PLUS, to fortify the aquifer for Dehalococcoides (Dhc) mccartyi.
Prior to release, EOS Remediation partnered with a consultant to test PLUS at a site with high concentrations of contaminants of (PCE > 8,000 µg/L), low numbers of halo-respiring bacteria and low pH (3.2). PLUS and EOSPRO stimulated a robust Dhc population and achieved complete dechlorination despite challenging site conditions.
PLUS is specially formulated to accelerate Dhc growth, providing optimum levels of ammonium, orthophosphate, cobalamin (B12), and an easily fermentable electron donor. When DCE and VC degradation slows, consider adding PLUS to help close your site.
Contact the EOS team today for the products, experience, and expertise for you to successfully remediate even the most challenging sites.